Denmark Project

Courtney's Power Point Show
Oratory Schools
Oratory's Schools History
History of the Rio Grande Valley
Culture of the Valley
Edu. of Valley
Modern Valley
Economy of the Valley

Welcome graphic

Howdy ya'll!!!
Are ya'll interested in meeting ya'lls peers from Texas?

A webquest is a great way to publicize a charter, keep peers informed, and attract a broader audience. We'll use this site to get the word out on our "Denmark Project" and create a better sense of community among our peers. We'll also include pictures and videos of all your peers and a few administrative faculty members of the school.

Our Mission

Our project's purpose is to achieve greater communication among peers from different ethnicities. To improve our communication skills and technological skills.

Organization News

Well.... Thanksgiving break is comming soon............


Click on play, to hear the music!!!!

People shouting at the world over megaphones; Size=240 pixels wide

Monday September 18, 2006 9:15PM

Web Quest Project

Denmark Project

Oratory Athenaeum for University Preparation
Curriculum: Psychology - Government
Grade Level(s): 9-12

Author: Roberto Diaz

Other Authors: Mr. Holder, Derek Garcia, Krystha Cantu, Rosa Toledo, Kristin Edwards,Fernando Mancias, Sarai Mancias, Martha Villalba, Rouzbeh Kotaki, Michelle Garza,Rafael Nunez, Elvira Gonzalez, Sara Reinoso

Status: Complete; Over Achieving.